The On-Line Connection

Some of you on line are in the same search that I m when it comes to a woman who shares the joys of H2E and the delights that it brings to both partners in that kind of relationship. Well this is a true story of what happened to me and how it has made my life much much easier to bear. I am not a writer, but here goes.

Being an H2 enthusiast who has been that way for years, it has always been my desire to find mate who was attracted to my desires and wishes. It has been long and arduous search up until about seven or eight months ago. I happened to be on line and looking for that fantastic E mate when I started looking around in my area once again to see if there were any women candidates that I might find. Searching under H2E and the other unmentionable word, The “E” word that AOL seems to eliminate on a regular basis, I came across a woman who was just looking for a boyfriend that was not going to be a hanger on and a sloppy lover in the long run. She is a Professional in the business world and was looking for her desires to be met. Well, by chance, I decided to IM her and talk to her and see if she might be a candidate, but no mention of the big “E” word at all. We talked for several weeks and then I was invited to call her on the phone at her Hotel and talk to her. She felt fairly comfortable with that since she traveled in her job, just as I do in my job.

Our conversation turned very sexual and I felt that it could go farther , so I suggested that I assist her in getting a good climax through talking and trying to see if she might just loosen up and she did. We spent at least and hour on the phone and she got there at least five times before we hung up. I asked her if she enjoyed herself and how if felt a and all she could say was that it was “Fantastic”.

For several weeks after that, there was no way except on line that we talked and did our little thing to make each other happy while we both traveled on the road. The day finally came that she and I both desired to meet each other and see if what worked on line, would work In person. I set up a meeting at a local restaurant and we were off, talking and discussing likes and dislike, mentioning things that were of a very good liking to each of us and It seemed like there might be a chance for a mention of the big “E”. Alas, when it came to anal sex , she told me that she had not had a good relationship with anal sex and that she did not think any of her toys would work “Back there” but she did say that someday maybe if we struck it off well, it could possibly happen. Not written off, just a we will see attitude. I like this in a woman because it shows me that she is open woman who is out there who are with the right partner, willing to go beyond what is normal and usual. We talked at length about anal stimulation and things of such nature.

To shorten the story, I have taken her from a non anal person to someone who absolutely adores the attention to her ass, asshole and is now taking enemas and having some of her most exciting orgasms known to her in her whole life. She has allowed me to play in such a way that it has made my life more fulfilled and much to my amazement, after her getting some good enema play from me, she now gives me the most fantastic enemas.., two quarts, and enable me to cum with the manipulation that comes only from an enema aficionado who enjoys watching hr mate writhe with joy under the pressure and the lovemaking.

The night that I gave her the first enema, we had discussed it and I had introduced her to all of the equipment and the procedures that I felt would work. The equipment was a standard red two quart enema bag, closed type to which I had hooked three feet of amber colored tubing to a pump bulb with a hose attached after that was four feet long to the enema nozzle and the nozzle was attached to the inflatable nozzle single enema catheter which could be pumped up and helped her maintain the enema.

I used a solution of salt and soapy water to start the enema and the water was set to very warm to insure that after foreplay and everything as it built up the water would be comfortable to her as she received it. I so wanted to make it a good thing for her and was hoping she would enjoy it to the max, which as you will se she did.

slowly, I kissed and caressed her supple body, this blonde hired blue eyed beauty that wanted me to make all kinds of passionate love to her. Slowly I started to kiss all over her body and she was caressing my cock and balls intently. Kissing and sucking and caressing all of our love was building to a crescendo, slowly and tenderly. I moved to the wetness that I knew was between her legs and slowly caressed and felt her desire rising and becoming demand as she leaned to the first of five strong climaxes before I even administered the enema to her.

After the fifth climax she was so wet and willing to get the enema put into her because for many days I had been telling her of my experiences with the enemas and how intense the climaxes were. Slowly I rolled her over and caressed her rosebud and prepared the inflatable nozzle with plenty of KY Jelly. Dabbing a large amount on my fingers I slowly started to massage her rose bud and push in and lubricate the inner walls of the sphincter muscle and I felt them relax. Slowly moving my finger in and out I could hear the moans of joy that she was experiencing. Drawing my hand and finger back, I compressed the inflatable nozzle and twisted it into her rosebud slowly and surely watching it disappear into that beautiful ass and prepare itself to be pumped up. when it was in , I slowly kissed and massaged her and started the pumping up. One pump, two pumps, three pumps and one more to make sure that it was seated and would not leak. She moaned with pleasure as I tugged on it to make sure it was seated. Rolling her over to admire her beautiful body and to kiss her nipples and to stroke her entire body I started to go down on her and lick and kiss her beautiful love pit so deeply and intently.

At the same time, I opened the clip and allowed the pump to fall into my hand and gently started to pump the fluid into her ass ad bowels. For a moment I thought it is not working, but then she said to me “Oh damn I can feel it” she then said “ damn this feels different but I love the feel that it is creating inside me baby” I love it was the next thing she said…I continued to pump the fluid into her asshole and kiss and lick hr all over her body, feeling her body grow in intensity and in feeling she was writhing all over the bed and feeling so very aroused and going toward climax faster and faster. Pumping the bulb putting more into her I gazed down at this point and noticed that the entire contents were now inside her! All two quarts and she was going crazy with feeling and desires. Pumping writhing and feeling one of the largest climaxes that she has ever had. She was completely off of the bed and nothing touching but her head and her toes and screaming in a beautiful orgasm that I just watched in amazement as I coaxed her body with my fingers and tongue seeing for the first time a beautiful woman getting all of her satisfaction in one gigantic orgasm…….

When she came down, I asked her if I she wanted to get rid of her enema and she said no she wanted more stimulation and orgasm. Slowly I climbed on her and began to make love to her al over again this time using my natural talents with my cock and she had the second orgasm with me pumping away and getting her to scream again and again feeling one of the most exciting times of lovemaking for me in many years. it was amazing to me to see her reaching again and again the climax that I knew was there, but was only now realizing that she has been a woman wanting to get out and experience this and I had been the one that set her free.

After relaxing afterglow foreplay and settling her down, she asked me to help her to the toilet and I relaxed the inflatable nozzle slowly pulled it out and told hr to bear down and get rid of the enema as soon as she could. I sat and massaged her intestines and helped her get rid of the enema and kissed her and reassured her that everything was OK. She tanked me that night by giving me a two quart enema and first taking me to climax with a blow job and completely to the end a blow job…then the second one was actual sex and it was great.

The only thing I can say to all of you in the newsgroup is that there is hope to find the perfect enemate and to share great times with them, However, If you a re looking for an enemate that is already into enemas you are looking probably for the wrong person altogether. If you find one interested in enemas that is great, but do not overlook those women out there that are anal inclined and those who careful love and attention an be shown the joys of enemas and the sexual sharing that comes with being able to open up and be real. Good luck in your hunting, my friend is publishing this for me as I cannot give out my name and stuff, it is something I can share anonymously, but not in the open. It is my ladies joy and mine that is important and it shall remain our secret.

And what a joyful secret……