

Laura Sanders was a local girl. She’d gone away to Madison and gotten her degree in Library Science, but now she had returned to her hometown of Black River Falls (just a small town on State Route 54). She was going to replace retiring 78-year-old Mrs. Grumby. Today was a “back room” day, learning about the filing system and sorting through the library’s archives. She had worn her jeans and a pullover sweater - and she looked good. She had light brown hair just below her shoulders and, at 24 years old, had developed into a fine looking woman - 5’7” tall and 120 pounds, with full breasts that filled her sweater. Her daily run kept her stomach flat and her thighs firm; and then there was her ass - a nice round ass with no sag whatsoever and firmly filling out her jeans. And this is what Conroy Jacobs had noticed the most.

Conroy Jacobs - a 35-year-old construction foreman from Boston. But Conroy had been traveling recently through the major cities from one construction job to another. He was quite skilled and could find work anywhere. He had recently left Chicago when he heard about the new library project in Black River Falls - close to nowhere that anybody had ever heard of. Conroy had arrived two weeks ago and began sizing up the town and taking care of getting the foreman’s job on the new library project. Work had started and he had been spending his off hours in the old library. That’s where he first saw Laura. He always positioned himself near her so that he could overhear conversations and gather more and more personal data about her. Today, things would change. Laura was talking to the plumbing contractor about the some faucets not working properly in her apartment; she’d leave the door open and he could fix it after work. She’d be home after the library closed at 6:00.

Conroy made sure that the plumbing contractor would be delayed just long enough to give him the time he needed to gather his “supplies” and get to Laura’s apartment. It was actually a one bedroom house located just east of town on a small farm. Conroy let himself in and took a look around. It was furnished nicely, and quite obvious that a single girl lived here: no sign of any male belongings, some nylons drying over the shower curtain rod, and … some panties folded neatly on a chair beside the bed.

Conroy picked them up and felt how soft they were, he ran his hands through them, then put them up to his face and smelled the freshly washed fragrance of the crotch. He set them down after folding them - then he heard noise in the driveway. The plumbing contractor was pulling up, Conroy slid his “supplies” under the bed and slipped into the bedroom closet. It was so nice standing there between Laura’s clothes, feeling them, and pretending he was running his hands up and down her body.

Although it seemed like hours until the plumbing contractor left, it was only 30 minutes - the time was now 6:00. Would Laura come home from work right away? It took about 15 minutes to get from the library to her place. Conroy slipped from the closet and took another look around - this time, into the bathroom. It was roomy and had a linen closet. He opened the door and found the typical things - towels, washcloths, some cleaning supplies, over-the- counter medication, Tampax (well now he knew she used tampons and not sanitary napkins), hair dryer, etc. He closed the door and went back to the bedroom. He looked through her nightstand drawer - phone book, some letters to friends from afar, but nothing too interesting.

And then he looked through her bureau and dresser drawers - all very organized and he learned that she was a size 8, bra size 36B with a 25” waist. He was a bit shocked that he didn’t find any birth control pills or condoms, no lubricating jelly or spermicide, no disposable douche, no vibrator - absolutely nothing. She was so innocent, not like some of the teasing bitches he’d encountered before. He’d have to take a different approach. And then he heard a car approach and saw the headlights shine in the window. He looked outside and saw he car - back into the closet. He heard the front door open and close, and he heard her walking toward the bedroom. He heard her go into the bathroom and heard the sink running, then stop. He cracked the closet door and he could see into the bedroom - she was coming out of the bathroom, still dressed in her jeans and sweater, but she had taken her shoes and socks off. She stood in front of the mirror and ran her hands through her hair…and then Conroy stepped out of the closet.

“Hello, Laura”, he said, and he moved toward her quickly to close the distance between himself and the wall.

Laura jumped and turned around quickly, but by this time, Conroy had placed his hands on her arms and pinned her against the wall. She didn’t scream - it would do no good on the farm. She looked into Conroy’s eyes and he took control of the situation right away.

“Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not going to hurt you, I’m not going to steal anything from you. This is just a simple housecall from the doctor. Do what the doctor says and you’ll be fine. Do you understand?”

Laura shook her head “yes” as Conroy released his grip on her arms. He stepped back and Laura stayed in place. “You know that this is a doctor’s visit, right?”, he asked.

Laura shuddered as she answered, “Y-y-yes, b-b-but what does that mean?”, she asked.

“It just means that I’m going to examine you to make sure everything is OK, and then I’ll leave”, he answered. Laura stood there speechless. “So, the first thing that you need to do is take off your clothes”, Conroy said.

Laura started to whimper and tears began to roll from her eyes, but she did not move from her spot. Conroy reassuringly grabbed her arm and said in a softer voice, “Hey, I told you I wasn’t going to hurt you and I’m not going to rape you. This is just like going to the doctor”, he said.

Laura reached to the bottom of her sweater and began lifting up and over her head. “That’s it, like a nice girl”, Conroy side as he watched her reveal her firm belly and then up over her bra and off her head. She dropped the sweater to the floor and stood there - in just her bra and jeans. “OK, ok, now the pants”, Conroy instructed and Laura reached for the button on her jeans, undoing it and then lowering the zipper. Conroy thought he saw her panties as she lowered the zipper. There was a bit of hesitation now until Conroy said firmly, “Continue”. Laura tucked her thumbs into the waistband of her jeans and slid them over her hips, over her butt, and down her legs - and, here were the panties! Yes, nice little white bikini panties to match her bra. Laura stepped out of her jeans and stood in front of Conroy with her arms crossed and her hands in front of her panties.

Conroy reached for her arm and led her to the bed. “No need to be shy dear, this is just a routine examination by the doctor”, he said, as he sat her on the bed. Then, he reached below the bed and pulled out his “supplies” that he had stowed earlier - a large black doctor’s bag and a white doctor’s coat. Laura watched as he put the coat on and hung a stethoscope around his neck. He reached into the bag and pulled out a blue plastic tube, unscrewed it, and held a thermometer in his hand. He read it, shook it down, then read it again. “Let’s get an idea of your temperature - open up”, he said as he placed his hand on Laura’s jaw.

Laura opened her mouth and took the thermometer under her tongue, closing her lips around it. Conroy stood back and took in the view of Laura sitting on the bed in her bra and panties as her oral temperature is being taken. He reached into the bag for his flashlight and shone it into her eyes - deep brown eyes, then into her ears, and up her nose. Laura thought all of this was quite strange but she also was feeling more comfortable that this man WAS doing just like what he said and, actually, had a pretty good bedside manner!

Enough time had elapsed and Conroy took the thermometer from Laura’s mouth, and read it. “Slightly elevated - we’ll look at that later”, he said, and then he put it back into the blue case and back into the bag. He had a tongue depressor in his hand and he told Laura to “open wide”. Laura opened her mouth as Conroy looked inside, pressing the tongue depressor against her tongue and looking around inside her mouth. He couldn’t help but wonder whether she’d sucked any dick…and then he felt the stirring in his loins as his own dick hardened and pressed against his pants. He finished removed the tongue depressor from her mouth and took a blood pressure cuff from the bag. Laura knew what to do as she extended her arm for Conroy to wrap the cuff. HE pumped it up and took the reading - just like the doctor. He removed the cuff and put it back in the bag. “Lie back on the bed”, he told her and she did as she was told. He liked that. He stepped back and enjoyed the view of 24-year-old Laura Sanders lying in front of him in her bra and panties just waiting for the rest of the examination.

Laura looked directly into his eyes as he put the stethoscope into his ears. She looked him over noticing his physical appearance (to report it later to the police?) - about 5’10”, 170 pounds, a full head of brown hair over his ears, glasses with tint so she couldn’t really tell the color of his eyes, and a moustache. He was dressed in a dark blue polo shirt and khaki pants. As she looked at the pants she noticed that there was a bulge. Then she felt his hand and the cold stethoscope on her chest. She gasped and jumped. “Sorry”, he said, playing the doctor perfectly as he moved the head of the stethoscope across her chest. He asked her to breath in and out, and to cough. He had her sit up so he could listen to her back, then lie back down again. He took the stethoscope and listened to her stomach; she noticed how light his touch was as he moved the head across her belly, and then he stood up and removed the stethoscope from his ears and put it back into the bag. Laura was thinking this wasn’t too bad as he placed his hands on her stomach and began to press in certain areas, asking her if she felt any discomfort.

She was beginning to relax and think she was being examined by a real doctor. But she tensed up when his fingertips went under the waistband of her panties and she raised her legs and rolled away. Conroy firmly grabbed her arms and reminded her, “Just being examined by the doctor, remember?”, and she again lay flat on the bed. He continued to move his hands over her belly and again went under the waistband of her panties just a little bit. Then he stood up and said, “OK - now let’s do a breast exam”, and Laura was reminded that the examination wasn’t over and she remembered seeing the bulge in his pants.

“Wait, wait”, she pleaded. But Conroy was continuing as he pulled her by the shoulders to a sitting position on the bed. Before she knew it, Conroy had reached behind her and undone the clasp so that the cups of the bra fell from her breasts. He took the straps and slid them from her arms and she went to cover herself until Conroy reached for her arms - “I am the doctor”, as he lowered her arms.

Laura looked away as Conroy took a breast in each hand, as if weighing them, then she felt him palpating each one separately. She knew to lie back when he pushed on her shoulder, and from past doctor’s visits, she raised her arms over her head. She felt him pressing on each breast and then, a bit different from past breast exams, she felt him running a fingertip over each nipple. She knew they would become erect, and they did. She felt him put a nipple between the fingers of each hand and lightly pinch it and pull on it, and then rub it with his fingertip. She still didn’t know what was going on, and she should be scared out of her mind with this weirdo who wanted to play doctor, yet what he was doing now was actually beginning to arouse her! And, then it was over.

Laura looked toward Conroy and saw that he was fumbling in the bag. He stood up with a tube of something in his left hand and a red cylinder, much like the blue cylinder that housed the thermometer, in his right hand. And, she looked down, and confirmed that there WAS a bulge in his pants. It was strange, because she was feeling comfortable with this “doctor”, but she wondered what was going to happen next and what was he going to do about the bulge in his pants. He said he wasn’t going to hurt her. He said he wasn’t going to rape her and then she began to get her thoughts straight. Let’s see after the breast exam comes the —

Laura sat straight up and got forceful as she tried to swing her legs over the bed. Conroy had thought things were going too well, but he had already placed the items in his hand on the nightstand and constantly stayed in a position to grab her is she tried to get away. Her legs were blocked by his as she tried to get her feet on the floor and that slowed her down enough so that he could get hold of her arms. “No you don’t! You’re sick!”, Laura yelled as she tried to get away and began to cry. Was he going to have to spank her? “C’mon, Laura, don’t ruin it for us”, he thought. Conroy held a firm grip on her and wondered whether it was time to administer the sedative - but they’re so much more fun when they can “participate”, he thought. From his past experience, he knew that his patients get the screaming out of their system and then they remember that he has been very kind and gentle and done just what he said he was going to do. And, Laura was no exception. He just kept holding her firmly and finally she calmed down and he laid her back on the bed. They know just what’s going to happen next, sort of, and they get themselves mentally prepared for it - just like during a visit with the doctor.

“Laura, I want you to roll over on your stomach”, said Conroy, as he reached for her far side to turn her toward him. Laura didn’t ever recall lying on her stomach during a recent doctor’s visit but Conroy now had the advantage since she had crossed beyond that hesitation point just moments ago. Now, her brain had kicked into “he’s been just like he said” mode so he was able to play a little more - and that was good, because it was now time to play.

Laura looked to her side and saw the red cylinder on the nightstand and the tube of something, but she couldn’t make it out and then Conroy reached for it and she felt him set it on the bed next to her. “Let’s just check that temperature again,” he said. She wondered how he was going to get the thermometer in her mouth with her lying on her stomach until she felt his hands in the waistband to her panties, trying to pull them down. Instinctively, she pressed against the bed to stop him. SMACK! SMACK!! She felt a light spank against each of her buttocks and this distracted her enough so that Conroy could get her panties down to her knees. “Shouldn’t all girls and boys have their temperature taken in the most accurate way?”, she heard Conroy ask. At this point, the question was so off the wall and she was so startled by the light spanking that she hadn’t noticed Conroy removing the rectal thermometer from the red case and applying KY jelly from the tube to it.

The next thing she felt was his hands on her buttocks, spreading them apart. She tensed up when she felt him running the lubricated thermometer between her cheeks. “Don’t want another spanking, do you?”, he reminded her. She relaxed out of resignation and put her face into the pillow. Conroy spread her cheeks wider and was able to see that small hairless opening she had for an asshole. He rubbed the remaining lubricant over her asshole and noticed how it quivered when the tip touched it.

Laura began to sob in the pillow. “Hey, hey, only little girls cry when they have their temperature taken”, he said - and then he slowly eased the thermometer into her asshole. When it was fully inserted, he twisted and pulled on it a little bit and he heard Laura’s stifled moan of humiliation as he then rubbed his hand over her buttocks. So nice and smooth, and how firm. He rubbed them up and down and ran his fingertips across them and between the cheeks. He could sense that Laura had eased up because she stopped crying and the tenseness that he had originally felt in her buttocks was gone. He took advantage of this and slid her panties down and off her legs. From this vantage point, at the foot of the bed, the view was great - looking right up Laura’s legs to see a thermometer between her cheeks. They were so firm that they clenched the thermometer tightly and the light brown hair below cover her pussy lips. Out of view, Conroy reached for his hard dick through his pants - but no adjustment could be made. Sitting on the bed next to her, he removed the thermometer and wiped it with a bedside Kleenex. “Yes, still a bit elevated even RECTALLY”, he said as he placed the thermometer back in the bag.

Laura continued to lay on her stomach as Conroy rubbed her buttocks then let his hand stroke the back of her thighs and come to rest on the inside of her thigh. “Are you doing ok?”, he asked.

“Mmmm-hhhhh”, was her reply, muffled by her face in the pillow.

“You know what’s next?”, he asked.

“Mmmm-hhhh”, she answered.

“What’s that”, he quizzed, as he continued stroking the inside of her thigh.

She raised her head up long enough to say, “The pelvic exam”.

“That’s right, so why don’t you just roll over?”, he instructed. Laura turned over and displayed her full nakedness to him. She had her head turned away from him and her eyes were closed - the next to the last step of submission. Conroy put his hands between her legs and pushed against them; she knew that it was time to separate them. She felt his hand lightly stroking her belly and kept reminding herself that this was going to be just like a visit to the doctor - except that last thing with the rectal thermometer was — well, it wasn’t too bad and, after all, it was medical. Conroy noticed that there was light brown hair above the lips of Laura’s pussy and it thinned out as it got lower.

Since he remembered that she had no hair around her asshole, he guessed that the hair growth stopped at the bottom of her pussy. He’d know in a minute!

He ran his hand in her bush and separated he pussy lips at the top to take a look - her clitoris and urethral opening quite visible. With the fingers of each hand he moved along the outside of her pussy lips, separating them as he went towards the bottom, and then moving back toward the top. Now, her pussy was separated slightly and the lips were clearly defined.

“Laura, do you shave?”, he asked.

Laura turned her head and opened her eyes. “Down there?”, she asked.

“Yes, down there”, he answered.

She hesitated. “Ahhh…n-n-n, a little, aahhh, y-y-yes”, she finally replied.

“And when was the last time you did it?”, he asked, noticing that she was now looking him right in the eye - the FINAL indication of full submission.

“I usually just keep it trimmed now”, she said.

“Now?”, he asked.

“Like in the summer, I sha…”, and then she stopped.

“You do what in the summer”, he continued. All the while, he is rubbing one hand lightly across her stomach and with the other hand he has a finger on either side of her pussy lips, occasionally coming together on her clit.

She turned her head away from him, and he brought his fingers up and pressed them against her clit. “You do what in he summer?”, he asked again.

She looked at him and said, “I shave it all off”. This is when there will be no more resistance. She is naked and he has her to admit a very private detail while looking him straight in the eye. At the same time, her legs have separated a bit more and, although she won’t allow herself to move her hips in response to his rubbing, moistness is beginning to be secreted from the Glans of Bartholin.

“The pelvic examination would go a lot easier if you were shaved”, Conroy says as he paves the way for what is about to come. Since Laura has entered the final stage of submission, he doesn’t even expect any hesitation from her recollection that the pelvic examinations include an internal examination. From out of nowhere, she starts crying again, but this time she’s still looking him in the eye. Conroy has not seen this before and he doesn’t know exactly how to respond. He sits on the bed next to her and, while still stroking her pussy, says, “This is just a simple pelvic examination - the doctor has to know”, and his finger slips between her pussy lips.

“I’m a virgin. Please don’t ruin me, please don’t hurt me”, Laura cries.

Conroy removes his hand from her pussy and stands up. “Now you stop that crying and let’s get on with it. Has any other doctor hurt you or ruined you”, he said - authoritatively?

“No”, she cried more.

“Then why should I? I told you what was going to happen during this examination, right?”, he asked. He wasn’t going to have things go sour now!

“Yes”, and she stopped crying.

“Then let’s continue. I want you shaved for the examination”, he said.

“You want me to do it?”, she asked.

“Is that how you get it clean?”, he asked.

“You mean shaved? Yes, yes, that’s how it happens”, she replied.

“Well, then, go ahead and do it”, he said, and he didn’t stop her as she rose from the bed. He had always had a fear of getting set up by a false sense of confidence at this point but Laura stood up and he followed her into the bathroom. He noticed when she stood how pert her breasts were, that her nipples were erect, and when he followed her, how firm her buttocks were.

Once in the bathroom, Conroy stood in the doorway. Laura went to the linen closet and got a razor and some shaving cream. She ran water in the sink and wet a washcloth. With her back turned to him, he could still see her reflection in the mirror as she ran the washcloth over her pussy several times. Actually, his view was improved because he could keep looking at her tight butt while seeing the reflection of her pussy in the mirror. She took several handfuls of water and wet the pussy hair. She filled the sink with water as she took the shaving cream and squirted it on her fingertips. She took the shaving cream and, rubbing it across her pussy, worked it into a lather. She stepped over to the toilet, raised the seat and straddled it.

“Turn around”, Conroy demanded.

“Are you going to watch?”, she asked.

“Yes - I am the doctor”, Conroy said.

Laura turned around and presented herself for his view. Straddling the toilet, he enjoyed the view of her firm breasts and flat belly, and her pussy covered with shaving cream. How many times in the past he has had to restrain or even sedate his patients to shave them. “Go ahead, do it”, he directed.

Laura took the razor and pulled it across the top of her pubic mound, cleaning the razor in the sink after each stroke. When she had completely shaved the hair above her pussy lips, she took the washcloth and wiped the area clean of shaving cream and hair. Then she squatted more over the toilet to spread her legs. She shaved first along one side, rinsed the razor and then shaved the other side. She repeated this three times and then reached for the washcloth.

“Finished?”, asked Conroy.

“I just have to wash off”, she replied.

“No, let me do it to inspect you”, he said as he moved toward her and took the washcloth. He soaked it in the sink and then pressed it against her mound, his fingertips against her clit. He moved his hand lower to cleanse the area around her pussy lips. He rubbed the area firmly and he felt her press into his touch. “Turn around”, he said. Laura turned around and he was looking directly at her buttocks. Yes, how very nice and firm, he observed. “Bend over”, he directed. Conroy rinsed the washcloth in the sink before noticing the fine sight in front of him. She was obviously in an aroused state because he could make out her pussy lips as she bent over the toilet. Her cheeks were so firm and tight, however, that he could not see her asshole without spreading them - which he did with one hand while he took the washcloth and moved it from front to back with the other hand. She had gotten all the hair and was as smooth as she could be.

“I have to…”, she started to say.

“What?”, he asked her, having his gaze into her pussy interrupted.

“I have to p-p-p-urinate”, she said.

“Stand up and turn around”, Conroy said.

Laura turned to face him and he noticed how her pussy lips, although in their aroused state, stayed close together. He couldn’t believe that he had a virgin. “Go ahead - you said you had to go”, he ordered.

She went to lower the seat and sit down but he stopped her. “No, stand - I want to watch you do it”, he said.

Laura squatted a little bit and the urine started to flow. Conroy reached out and held the top of her lips apart so he could see it coming directly from her urethra. “Very nice”, he commented. When she was finished, she reached for the toilet paper but Conroy grabbed her wrist.

“I want to make sure you’re clean before the internal”, he said. He took the washcloth and wiped across her pussy several times. Laura reached back and flushed the toilet, then she let the water out of the sink and rinsed the bowl clean.

Laura turned to Conroy, totally trusting that he was not going to hurt her. After having her temperature taken rectally, shaving in front of him, and having him watch her urinate, she had already committed several final acts of submission. He stared into her eyes as she walked past him back into the bedroom. She went to get back onto the bed but he stopped her.

“Wait! - what do you normally wear to bed?”, he asked.

“A T-shirt and my panties”, she replied.

“Put your T-shirt on”, he ordered.

Laura walked over to the dresser and pulled out a T-shirt, and put it on. He liked seeing how tight her butt got when she raised her hands over her head to put on the T-shirt. It fell over her breasts and came to rest about halfway over her buttocks. When she turned around, her shaven pussy was just barely visible below the hem of the T-shirt. As she walked toward the bed, she stooped down to pick up her panties. “No, you won’t be needing those - just get on the bed”, Conroy told her. Laura got back on the bed and lay on her back. The T-shirt raised to just above her pussy lips.

“Spread your legs and raise your knees”, Conroy directed as he got things from the bag. She watched him pull them out and lay them on the nightstand - exam gloves, KY jelly, speculum.

“He said he was going to do an internal - does it really matter now?”, she thought, and then she said, “Remember, I am a virgin.” This irritated Conroy a bit and he scared her with his response, “I am the God-damned doctor and I’ll figure that out for myself!”

Had he not gotten her to the highest level of submission this response would have brought tears - or worse, screaming and panic which may have turned into an out of control situation. But Laura was past that stage, and she simply replied, “I’m sorry.” She watched as Conroy methodically put on the examining gloves, and took the KY jelly and the speculum with him to the foot of the bed. She had raised her knees and he reached between her legs to separate them - looking at the bald pussy before him. He took the lubricant and put it on his finger, then applied it along her slit. She felt him running his finger up and down her slit as he got it very lubricated. He held her lips open with his left hand as he used the finger of his right hand to trace around her pussy lips and apply more lubricant. He was curious about this “virgin” thing. He spread her lips wider and slowly eased his finger inside. He could feel her tightness, and he felt her muscles tighten as his finger entered her. His finger was only inside to about the second knuckle when Laura tensed up and he felt resistance. Should he pop her? Laura was too scared to say “stop” and she half-trusted that he wouldn’t penetrate her. Conroy removed his finger and got the speculum.

“I’m going to insert the speculum. You really are a virgin, aren’t you?”, he asked.

Laura looked so good lying before him, it was hard to imagine that she was a virgin. He didn’t wait for an answer as he placed the duck-bill blades of the speculum at the entrance to her pussy. He made a mental note of how far in the speculum could go to equal the length of his finger to the second knuckle. He slowly inserted it, and Laura spread her legs more. She gasped when he had gotten too far - he pulled out a little bit. Turning the speculum, he opened it and looked inside. Oh yes, it was pink, and it was flushed - and, it was uncharted territory. There, right in front of the blades, was the hymen. Conroy studied it carefully, having never experienced this before and especially in such an older patient. Laura lay still as the instrument was just millimeters from puncturing her final barrier. “Hmmmmmm - change of plans, here”, thought Conroy. He closed the blades of the speculum and removed it - noting how Laura’s pussy lips closed shut even though aroused. By contrast, pussies that had been fucked usually stayed separated to reveal the opening. Laura kept her legs spread and her knees up, as if expecting something else.

“You know that wasn’t a thorough pelvic”, Conroy told Laura.

“I know”, she said.

“What else has to be done?”, he asked her. He wanted her to say it.

“You need to…I have to…”, she stammered.

“Yes?”, he continued.

“Since you can’t get all the way inside, you have to put your finger into my behind”, Laura spoke quickly, not wanting to admit it.

“Yes, I have to do a rectal exam”, Conroy told her. He took off the exam gloves and put on a fresh pair. “I want you to turn over on your hands and knees - rest your shoulders on the bed so that your buttocks are in the air”, he instructed her.

Laura was a little surprised. She had been having pelvic examinations for the last 6 years. She usually remained in the stirrups and the doctor just slid his lubricated finger inside while she was in that position. She lowered her legs and turned over, getting into the requested position. Conroy stood back and continued to admire the view as his dick throbbed in his pants. He reached down and stroked it and then approached her. She hadn’t seen what he had gotten out of the bag - a Fleet enema. Conroy spread her buttocks with his left hand and used the index finger of his right hand to place lubricant against her asshole. He massage his finger against it until he felt the initial involuntary resistance go away. He removed his finger and placed the tip of the enema nozzle against Laura’s asshole. The lubrication and massage that he had done, combined with the lubricated nozzle, allowed the nozzle to slide in before Laura could question it. Her question came when Conroy squeezed the bottle and she felt the solution going into her bowel. She had never been given an enema, she only vaguely knew what one was - and for this reason, didn’t move as Conroy emptied the bottle into her.

“Ooohh, Ooohhh, I’m getting some cramps”, Laura cried.

“Rub your belly”, Conroy told her as he emptied the last of the contents into her. Laura reached under her and stroked her belly. He emptied the bottle but kept the nozzle inside for two reasons: 1) so she’d keep it in longer; 2) to enjoy this view of her ass longer. Laura continued to rub her belly until he sensed that she would no longer be able to hold it.

“OK - now when I take out the nozzle I want you to go right to the bathroom. Sit on the toilet and keep rubbing your belly and try to hold it in some more”, Conroy said as he slid the nozzle from her ass. Laura got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. Conroy chuckled to himself as he watched her strut across the room. He heard her in there moaning and groaning as she expelled the enema and he knew that she was going to be “busy” for a few minutes.

Conroy took off his shirt and then his shoes. He took off his pants and stroked his dick through his underwear. There was a wet spot where pre-cum had been leaking. He took off his underwear and let his dick spring free. It only got this hard when he did examinations. It never got this hard was he was having plain old boring sex. He stood in Laura’s room and stroked himself. The he went into Laura’s dresser and got out a pink bra and matching pink panties. He put on the bra stretching it across his size 38 chest. He took the panties and wrapped them around his dick and stroked it some more. Then he stepped into them, stretching them out until he could get them over his ass and around his hips. He pulled them down in front so that his dick was free. He stood there in Laura’s bra and panties and stroked his dick. Should he? Could he? This could be the recklessness that may get him into trouble one day. He didn’t have time to finish his thought. He heard the toilet paper roll moving and Laura called out, “I’m finished. What do I do now.” She was thankful he hadn’t wanted to watch her expel the enema - take a shit - no matter what she’d been through, that would have been horrible.

“Wipe yourself real well and use the wet washcloth, then come out here”, Conroy told her. He heard more toilet paper, then the sink, then the flushing. Conroy reached into his bag for the vibrating butt plug. He stood next to Laura’s bed with the butt plug in one hand and the KY jelly in the other. Dressed in Laura’s underwear with his very hard dick sticking out from her panties. He had gotten another examination glove out and laid it on the nightstand. He had to remind himself that HE was in charge.

“What’s going on here?”, Laura asked when she saw Conroy in his outfit.

“Hey! That’s my underwear!”, she exclaimed. But, she was so dumbfounded and startled that Conroy prevailed with his reassuring approach.

“I said I wasn’t going to hurt you and I haven’t. I said I wasn’t going to rape you and I haven’t. I even left you a virgin, right? And now I’m going to do a rectal exam on you. But first, I need some help.”

“Yeah, I’d say”, replied Laura, and then she remembered Conroy’s previous outburst. “No, please, I’m sorry, I’ll help you. What is it?”, she quickly recovered.

Laura had walked closer to the bed and Conroy handed her the examination glove. “Put this on”, he told her. She sat down on the bed and put on the exam glove. If it was possible, Conroy’s dick got even harder as he watched this naked woman putting on an exam glove. “Hold out your hand, palm up so I can put some KY jelly on your middle finger”, he told her.

“What - what is it that you want me to do?”, Laura asked as she extended her hand. Conroy squeezed the lubricant along Laura’s middle finger, and she realized that her other fingers were getting in the way, so she just stuck out her middle finger. Conroy was stroking his dick with his other hand and noticed that Laura’s gaze was fixated on his dick.

“What’s wrong, never seen a hard-on before?”, he asked.

“Well, back in college, yeah”, she answered. “What am I to do with this?”, she asked, waving her shiny middle finger around giving a big “fuck you” gesture and in her naivete not knowing it.

“You really don’t have a clue, do you? Haven’t you ever done yourself?”, asked Conroy.

“Oh, please, no. Please don’t ask me to do that”, she begged until Conroy had to interrupt her.

“I’m not going to ask you to do that! I want you to stick it up my ass!”, he told her as he continued to stroke his dick.

“How do I do that?”, she asked.

“Simple, I bend over and you jut stick it in”, he told her and with that he pulled down the panties, turned around, and bent over, pointing his ass right at her. He reached behind himself and spread his asscheeks.

“Do you see where to put your finger?”, he asked.

“Here?”, she said, as she placed her finger on his asshole.

“Yeah - now push it in”, he directed her as he also pushed back on her finger. He pushed back until he knew her finger was all the way in his asshole. “Now, move it in and out”, he told her.

He was sure that she had no idea what she was doing as she steadily moved her finger in and out of his ass, but it was working. He gave her the butt plug and told her, “Put this in, now.” He felt her finger slide out and then he felt the tip of the butt plug against his ass.

“It’s too big!”, she said, as she tried to get it into Conroy’s asshole.

“Just keep pushing and it will go in”, he told her and as he said it she pushed a bit more and it went inside. “Aaah, very good”, Conroy said as he stood up. “Now, your turn.”

“Please don’t put something like that in me”, Laura pleaded.

Conroy chuckled aloud, “Haven’t we been through that before - it’s just a rectal exam. Now get on the bed on all fours again.”

Conroy pulled up the panties and made some adjustments to the butt plug. Laura had gotten on the bed on all fours and presented her bottom for the rectal exam. “Like this?”, she asked.

Conroy didn’t respond. He had put on a fresh pair of exam gloves and was lubricating a finger. She felt him spread her cheeks and then she felt his fingertip against her asshole, but this time she felt pressure as he slid his finger inside. He slid it in slowly, twisting it and turning it as he did - much like when he had inserted the thermometer. When his finger was all the way inside she could feel his finger tip move from side to side, feeling for the parts of her that weren’t accessible when he had been in her pussy. Then he started moving his finger in and out and she began to understand why he wanted her to do it to him - she even wondered (a little bit) about the butt plug. Conroy was really getting charged up and, as much as he was enjoying the rectal exam, he had to get off.

He slowly removed his finger from her asshole, but still kept stimulating her on the outside, while he opened the suppository (it was designed to sedate the patient and would cause them not to remember the last few hours prior to their being sedated). Conroy took the suppository and placed it on the tip of his finger, so as to feel like his finger. He pushed it into Laura’s asshole and slid his finger deeply inside. He could almost feel Laura become sedated as the suppository began to melt into the mucosa of her asshole. As Laura became sedated, she lowered herself onto the bed so that she was now lying on her stomach. Conroy took her right hand and put it under her so that her fingers were on her pussy. The natural response took over and she started rubbing herself and moving her hips against the bed.

He moved his fingers in and out of her asshole until her rhythm became regular. He slid his finger from her asshole and moved between her legs, placing his dick between her cheeks. There was a lot of lubrication and his dick fit very nicely between them. He moved back and forth with Laura’s semi-conscious rhythm. It didn’t take long before he was squirting on her ass, but he timed it as she came. He took one final look and then got off the bed.

Conroy went into the bathroom and cleaned up everything and put it away. He used the washcloth to clean off his cum from Laura’s ass, and to wipe all the KY and pussy juice from her body. He put her panties back on her and put her under the covers. Then he got dressed, putting her bra and panties in his bag along with getting his other “supplies” together and left.

The next day, Laura Sanders was at work as usual but today she was wearing a nice blouse and skirt. Everything was normal. Conroy went in at lunch time and casually said “hello” to Laura and she returned the greeting. He sat at the table and looked at her, trying to undress her with his eyes. Occasionally, she would move in such a way that the form of her thigh or buttock would be exposed and he could fill in the details.

As for Laura, she never knew what had happened except that she didn’t remember why she wanted to shave her pussy last night. She also vaguely remembers having an erotic dream about a man with dark hair, moustache and glasses. But, Conroy had sandy blonde hair that was cut close, no glasses, and no moustache…